Piano University: Login Here

Login with your username and password. You'll be automatically redirected to whatever course you've purchased. If  not, after you're logged in, click your course below to get started. Or, use the menus on the top and the left side of the screen.

Note: If you copy and paste in your login details, MAKE SURE you don't accidentally copy a space before or after your password. Also, please note that unless you changed it, your username will be your email address.

Forgot your password? Or want to change it to something else? Click Here.

You might want to bookmark this page so you can find it easily.

Note: you will only have access to whatever courses you've purchased.

“Supercharge” Video Lessons
Music Theory Mastery Video Lessons
Ear Play By Ear Mastery Course Video Lessons
Technique Mastery Course Video Lessons
Project Captivate Course Video Lessons
Hands Together Domination Course Video Lessons
Super Simple Piano Course Video Lessons

If you're still having trouble getting logged in, for support you can email me at zach@bestpianoclass.com
