Welcome to the Bonuses Section of [PSH]
This is the section where you’ll get all your 50% off discount links. To get the 50% off, just go through the links on this page.
(note, you’ll only have access to this page for the first 7 days you are signed up for [PSH]. After that you’ll no longer have access. So if you’re planning on getting a premium course, I’d do so before the 7 days are up.
50% Off Links
Super Simple Piano – 50% Off Link (recommended for beginners)
Technique Mastery Course – 50% Off Link
Project Captivate – 50% Off Link
Supercharge Course – 50% Off Link
Music Theory Mastery – 50% Off Link
Play By Ear Mastery – 50% Off Link
Piano University Full Access – 50% Off Link
More info on the Premium Courses
If you want to learn everything, I’d personally suggest going through the courses in the order above. It’s the most logical way to work though them.
However, if you’re more interested in one course or another, or if you already know an aspect of piano and don’t need to re-learn it, you can take the courses “a la carte style”. Here’s more info on each:
Super Simple Piano
This course is all about the fastest way to learn your favorite songs from the radio. How to use simple cheat sheets and Chord Shapes to quickly learn songs, and then Money Patterns to bring them to life.
Click Here to find out more about Super Simple piano
Technique Mastery
This course is all about getting that fundamental, rock-solid technique. First, it’ll take you through the Beginner’s section, where it gives you the 4 essential exercises, and a “daily workout plan” to build finger strength, dexterity, coordination, and independence.
Then, the next section ramps up your technique in the Advanced Section, where you’ll learn things like 4 octave scales, arpeggios, smooth octave technique, and how to develop quality tone.
Right now, the Project Captivate course come bundled free with this course.
Click Here to find out more about the Technique Mastery Course.
Project Captivate
Project Captivate is all about the flashy stuff. How to play those blazing fast arpeggio runs, captivating octave sweeps, beautiful left hand patterns, trills, tremolos, glissandos… you get the idea.
Each lesson will go into the 4 ingredients you need to learn each technique: the Notes, the Form/Technique, Accelerated Learning Strategies, and Implementation into a song. You’ll also learn the “Lego Block Method”, which goes into how to build a song from scratch, implementing these techniques.
Right now, the Technique Mastery course comes bundled free with Project Captivate.
Click Here to find out more about Project Captivate.
Supercharge Course
The “Supercharge Your Piano Practice” course is all about how to learn music… FAST. How to optimize your practice sessions for maximum results in the minimum amount of time.
That way, you can either practice less and get the same results… or practice the same amount and get 2X, 3X, or 4X the results you’re getting now. It’ll go through all the “Accelerated Learning Techniques” to help you shred through music faster.
This one’s available in Ebook and/or Video Course form.
Click Here to find out more about the Supercharge Course.
Music Theory Mastery
The Music Theory Mastery course is designed to take you step-by-step from no knowledge of Music Theory (the first lesson is the names of the notes) all the way to complex topics like improvisation, transposition, and harmonizing melodies.
It comes with PDF Cheat Sheets in almost every lesson, and interactive quizzes so you can test yourself and make sure you have a complete understanding of the lesson before you move on.
Right now, the Play By Ear Mastery course comes bundled free with this.
Click Here to find out more about the Music Theory Mastery Course.
Play By Ear Mastery
This course will walk you through step-by-step how to play piano by ear from scratch. By the end of it, you’ll be able to learn songs in 10 minutes or less by ear.
The course starts you off with just 3 notes, then gradually adds on note after note, day by day, until you have a solid handle on playing songs by ear. It’ll also teach you other tricks such as intervals, hook patterns, and using music theory to narrow down the list of possible notes. And there will be interactive quizzes as well to test your skills and make sure you’re ready to move on after each lesson.
Right now, the Music Theory Mastery course comes bundled free with the Play By Ear Mastery course.
Click Here to find out more about the Play By Ear Mastery Course.
Piano University Full Access
Full Access gives you EVERYTHING on Piano University. Every course (including all those mentioned above) plus every Ebook, PDF, audiobook, as well as any future courses I come out with. Note that this is only available as a lifetime membership, there are no monthly or weekly memberships to Full Access.
Click Here to get Piano University Full Access for 50% off.
If you have any questions about these, piano related or pricing or whatever, feel free to shoot me an email! zach@bestpianoclass.com
Or, just submit a question through the “contact me” link on the left menu.