Hate to see ya go.
Really hope you got a lot out of the course. I’ve spent a ton of time coming up with these lessons, and have had a blast taking you through this process.
Anyway, to cancel, simply enter your login email to the form below and your membership will automatically be cancelled (you will not be charged for it any longer).
Just to be clear, once you hit the cancel order button, you will not have access to any premium Piano University any longer, and you will not have access to any discounted offers you may have had as a member.
If you’d like to make a custom cancelation (meaning you’d like to cancel one of your memberships and keep another one going), that’s too complicated for my automatic system, so just shoot me an email and I can do it for ya manually: zach@bestpianoclass.com
Anyway, I hate to see ya go. If you have any feedback on what you liked or didn’t like about the course, I’d really appreciate the feedback, simply leave it in the feedback box. Especially the negative feedback, I really want to strive to make this course as helpful and useful as possible to everyone who takes it.
Here’s the cancel form: