Advanced Technique Training Plan [PSH]

Welcome to this lesson on the Advanced Technique Training Plan.

I want to show you how it all works. Once you’ve learned each exercise, this will show you how it fits into a complete training plan for rock solid technique.

Now, you won’t know all the drills I talk about in this video unless you’ve taken the Technique Mastery course, but you can use the exact same concepts to drill in the one octave scales, and the finger gauntlet drill you’ve learned in [PSH].

Advanced Technique Training Plan:
Key points from the lesson:

1. Pick ONE key a week and practice your exercises only in that key.

2. Pick one primary exercise and one secondary exercise to work on. Your primary exercise is the main thing you’re working on. The secondary exercise is for when you have extra time or get frustrated with the primary exercise.

3. Use the Accelerated Learning Techniques to drill everything in faster. In other words, follow the plan.

4. The first week you won’t be crossing off many goals. But as the weeks go on, and your overall technique improves, the number of goals/week you’ll be able to cross off will multiply.


Ultimate Piano Technique Goal Sheet

Where to Go From Here:

This is my Ultimate Technique Training Plan. When all the boxes are crossed off on your goal sheet, you can say “I’m done! My Technique is Rock-Solid”. Everything you play will feel confident and “at home” on the keyboard.

If you want access to the full Technique Mastery Course (it comes with the Beginner’s section, AND the Advanced section), you’ll get access to all the drills and strategies, as well as how to implement them into a complete training plan. You can access those here. Project Captivate is bundled free for now.

And if you’re within your first 7 days, of course, you can get access to your 50% off discount here.

Happy practicing!


Next Lesson>>

“The advanced scale section is the strongest feature of the Technique Mastery Course because knowing the scales teaches you key signatures, dexterity, increases speed, and paves the way for creativity and musical expression.”

-Marvin A. – Technique Mastery Course Member