3-Step Sightreading Process [PSH]

Welcome to this lesson on Sightreading.

Sightreading can be a tough skill to learn.

Why? It’s actually not just one skill. It’s 3 separate skills that cumulate into the “one” skill we know as sightreading.

But guess what? You may not even have to learn to sightread. Depending on what kind of music you enjoy, you may be better off learning to play by ear.

That’s what the first video’s on. Next, if you decide sightreading is for you, the next video’s on my 3 Step Method, which isolates each of the “Sightreading Subskills” so you can dominate them individually. Then, you can put them all together to become a sightreading master.

After that, the THIRD video’s on the best tool (by FAR) to learn sightreading… Here we go!

Should You Learn to Sightread?:
You should learn to Sightread if:

1. You want to play Classical or Choir music
2. You like playing songs exactly how they’re written
3. You realize it’ll take years to master
4. You’re ok with playing only songs that have been notated

You should learn to Play By Ear if:

1. You want to play Pop/Jazz/Contemporary music
2. You like to improvise, compose, and make songs “your own”
3. You want to learn in 4 or so months
4. You want to be able to learn any song, even if it’s not notated

The 3-Step Sightreading Method:
The 3 Step Sightreading Process:

Before you try to sightread your piece, first go through and determine the key signature, time signature, repeated patterns, and tap out any tough rhythms. This will start training your mind to scan ahead.

Step 1: “No Stopping”
For the first run through, the only rule is you can’t stop. To make sure you don’t stop, play ridiculously slow. Speed doesn’t matter, but accuracy does.

Step 2: Reading Chords
On the second run through, at each new chord (could be every note, every measure, even every 2 or 3 measures) say the name of the chord out loud before you play it.

Step 3: No Looking
On the third run through, start to develop Keyboard Topography, or the ability to “feel” the keys by playing without looking down at all (except if you have a huge leap, then you can glance down).

The BEST Sightreading Tool (by FAR…)


To get the discount, go to here, click the “register” button, and enter the code “superhuman” on the next page.

Where to Go From Here:

If you decided sightreading is for you, find a sightreading course/program and start using the 3-Step process. Dedicate a 5 to 15 minute “Sightreading Workout” to your practice plan EVERY DAY.

If you decided playing by ear is for you, there are a couple other lessons in this course. You can check them out in the Ear Training Section, and if you want the full start-to-finish premium course, you can find it here.

And remember, if you’re within your first 7 days, go through the link on the “Bonuses” page to get your 50% off discount.

This is the last of the Beginner’s lessons, but rest assured, even if you’re a beginner you’ll get a lot out of some of the other upcoming lessons in this course. So find a lesson that interests you, or click the “Next Lesson” link at the bottom of this page to move on to Technique Fundamentals, things like Finger Independence, Dexterity, and even how to make scales easy!

See you in the next one,


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The scale practice technique works! For the first time in my life I enjoy practicing scales, who would have believed that?
Cheers and thanks

Jennifer A. – [PSH] Member #2021