The Names of the Notes [PSH]

Welcome to this lesson on the letter note-names of the piano.

If you’re a beginner, this is square one for music theory: learning the note names.

Watch the video. But more importantly, do the exercises. The exercises are where you really improve.

Note: these videos are taken straight from my premium Music Theory Mastery course, so they may refer to other materials in that course

Key points from the lesson:

1. The piano is organized in groups of 2 and 3 black notes. We use them to find the names of the white notes

2. There notes are named the letters A through G. Then, they repeat starting again with A.

3. Use the “Dog House” and “Grandma’s House” mind map to quickly memorize the notes.

4.  Finding notes quickly is an essential skill to everything other theory concept we’ll learn in this course. Use the exercises and ramp up your speed day by day.

Exercise 1: Note Name Flashcards
Exercise 2: Note Name Online Training

Try this exercise to supplement your training. Make sure your actual piano practice is top priority though. This online training is secondary and is only used to help reinforce some of the ideas.

Click here to try the exercise on

Downloadable PDFs:

Note Names PDF
Printable Version

Quiz on Note Names:

Click Here to take the quiz and test your knowledge!

Action Step:

Time to take action! Print off the PDF and put it right in the front of your practice binder. Schedule a couple times every day when you’re going to work on your note names. It could be after you do technique in your practice sessions. It could be right after you brush your teeth in the morning.

Then, sit down at the piano, run through your flashcards right now, and start getting the hang of it!

It’s great to see you’ve completed the first theory lesson.  Many people are so scared of theory they won’t even take the first step, and you already have. It’s the first step in becoming a great, well-rounded pianist.

How to Take Music Theory to the Next Level

This is square one for music theory. The note names are the building blocks that eventually lead to learning chords, chord progressions, keys, scales, etc.

Once you know chords and keys, the next step for music theory is to learn improvisation, composition, and playing by ear.

In other words, become a Music Theory Genius.

If you want the entire package to learn music theory and playing by ear, I have a complete course on it (in fact, this lesson is basically copied and pasted straight from the Music Theory Mastery course).

It’ll take you all the way from beginner to advanced, eventually getting into playing songs completely by ear, effortless improvisation, and composition.  You can find more on the Music Theory Mastery course (right now, the Play By Ear Mastery course is bundled with it for free).

Oh, and if you’re still within the first 7 days of taking this course, remember that you get the 50% off discount, so you can go through this link to go to the “Bonuses” page and get your discount.

See you in the next lesson!


Next Lesson>>

I appreciate so much what you have taught in such a short time. Thank you so much.

Bev D. – [PSH] Member #1023