Lesson Resources
Alright, so now that you’re done learning the basic chord progression, lets spice it up! Here are some simple Money Patterns to make it sound pro:
(Note: these are the extras based on the original instruction video on YouTube. If you haven’t seen that one yet you can find it here. The rest of these videos won’t make sense without it!)
Money Rhythm Patterns
Money Arpeggio Patterns
Money Variations
All the Songs You Can Play With This Pattern
PDF Cheat Sheet
Here’s the link to the PDF Cheat Sheet again in case you haven’t downloaded it yet.
Where to Go From Here
Congrats! You’ve learned a very powerful chord progression, plus some patterns that’ll really make it POP.
If you haven’t already, I’d start checking out the other Piano Superhuman lessons to take your game to the next level. Here are some of the more popular sections:
Beginners Lessons: Start from Square One
Technique Lessons: Build finger Strength, Dexterity, and Coordination
Play by Ear Lessons: Learn to Hear a Song and Play Without Sheet Music
Happy Practicing!