Minor Scale Real Songs Quiz


What are the notes of the lyrics "I am yours you are mine" using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the lyrics "In o ceans deep my fa ith will stand" using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the lyrics "Are you o kay an nie" using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the bass notes using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the lyrics "Ra ra ah ah ah ah" using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the lyrics "Say that I was wrong" using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the lyrics "Take you to ev ery par ty cause all you wan ted to do" using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the synth part using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the lyrics "I should sta ay ay" using the numbers 1 through 7?


What are the notes of the lyrics "Are you o kay an nie" using the numbers 1 through 7?

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