Playing in F Real Songs Quiz


What are the notes for the lyrics "some bo dy that you used to kno ow" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "this is the part of me" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "Cra zy right now" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "I be lieve in yes ter day" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "with my hands up" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "Now put your hands up" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "For to lo oo oo oo ong" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "we are the champ ions" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 


What are the notes for the lyrics "I was just guess ing" using numbers 1-7 (in the key of F)? 

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