Scale Degrees 1-5 Quiz 1. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody of the words "Lu oo oo oo oo ah" scale degrees 1 through 5. 343211 232111 454321 343445Hint5. Type the melody of the words "Speak ing words of wis dom let it be ee" scale degrees 1 through 5. 3343323221 3323343445 4454434332 3343324321Hint6. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody of the words "Oh oh oh oh ohhh oh oh oh ohhh" scale degrees 1 through 5. 123143432 345354543 123132321 321313123Hint8. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody of the words "But youre tell in me it won't be e nou ough" scale degrees 1 through 5. 12444543243 12333432132 23444543243 54333234321Hint10. Type the melody of the words "Im more than a man" scale degrees 1 through 5. 22345 12345 11235 55432Hint11. Type the melody of the words "Shine to ge ther" scale degrees 1 through 5. 3442 4553 2331 3224Hint12. Type the melody of the words "night and day spread my wings and fly a way" scale degrees 1 through 5. 3443333322 4554444433 2332222211 3223333344Hint13. Type the melody of the words "Son can you play me a mem or y" scale degrees 1 through 5. 111122233 444433321 555544431 555533431Hint14. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody of the words "May ay ay ay" using scale degrees 1 through 5. 3212 5431 4321 5321Hint16. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody played by the piano using scale degrees 1 through 5. Type the melody of the words "Stops my bones from won der in just why why why " scale degrees 1 through 5. 22332211332 44554433443 33442211221 44553321221Hint19. Type the melody of the words "La Bam Ba" scale degrees 1 through 5. 541 321 431 134HintThanks for taking the quiz, hit the "submit" button and see how you did! Time is Up!